The Broadcast / Strength In Water

Strength In Water

Having grown up as a competitive swimmer, Seren is passionate about passing on her love of water to others. She became one of the four founders of the Black Swimming Association (BSA) an organisation which caters to all levels of swimmers, working to break down barriers that stand between African, Caribbean and Asian communities and aquatics – enabling a deeper connection to nature in her community.


5 min read

Written by Seren Jones

Images by Karl Mackie

Seren leaning on the side of a pool

What does "the right to roam" mean to you?

For me, the ‘Right to Roam’ means having the freedom and agency to go wherever you want, whenever you want to go, knowing that the experience will enhance your physical health, your mental health, and help to make you a better version of yourself. It also means that there are no barriers obstructing you from reaching your desired destination, whether that’s geographical barriers, physical barriers, mental or legal barriers.

Seren running through a park
Seren on balcony looking over London

How do you exercise your right to roam in your life already?

In terms of my own right to roam and the places where I go already, as much as I love London and love the city, it can get extremely hectic at times, so I exercise my right to roam as a form of escapism. I live right by Hackney Marshes and the Leigh Valley, so I’m spoiled by the luxury of roaming in green and blue spaces which are far enough away from the chaos of the capital, but also still very much part of the city. Running through the marshes with my earphones is just the best feeling. It’s peaceful. It’s quiet. It allows me to come back to my roots and to reset.

Seren sitting on side of pool

How does it feel to connect to the land and water for you?

Whenever I access these spaces, it puts everything into perspective for me. It reminds me that I’m a tiny person in a humungous green space or body of water, and it humbles me. When I’m connected to these spaces, especially water, I feel like nothing else matters. I can enter water with all of my problems, all of my worries, all of my concerns, and then I’m able to shed them away. When I leave the water, it’s almost like a reset, because I feel at peace with all my uncertainties.


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